kagamimochi-nikki 加賀美茂知日記

<般若心経 漢文原文とよみかたおよび逐語英文 写経 観想 性エネルギ-昇華秘法導入用 The Heart Sutra of the Perfection of Wisdom   :Classical Chinese and English>

仏説摩訶般若波羅蜜多心経 ぶっせつまかはんにゃ-は-ら-み-たしんぎょ-

The Heart Sutra of the Perfection of Wisdom Proclaimed by the Buddha(Enlightened One)


観自在菩薩行深般若波羅蜜多時かんじ-ざいぼ-さつ ぎょ-じんはんにゃ-は-ら-み-た-じ-

When Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva was practicing the Deep Perfection of Wisdom,

照見五蘊皆空  しょ-けん ご-うん かいく-  

he perceived that all five aggregates are empty.

度一切苦厄 ど-いっさいく-やく

He transcended all suffering and distress.


舎利子色不異空空不異色  しゃ-り-し- しきふ-い-く- く-ふ-い-しき

“Shariputra, form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from form.

色即是空空即是色  しきそくぜ-く- く-そくぜ-しき

Form is exactly emptiness, emptiness is exactly form.

受想行識亦復如是  じゅ-そ-ぎょ-しき やくぶ-にょ-ぜ-

Perception, thought, action, and consciousness are also like this.

舎利子是諸法空相 しゃ-り-し-ぜ-しょ-ほ-く-そ-

Sariputra, this is the empty nature of all phenomena that,

不生不滅 不垢不浄 不増不減 ふ-しょ-ふ-めつ ふ-く-ふ-じょ- ふ-ぞ-ふ-げん

not born, not dying; not defiled, not pure; not increasing, not decreasing.

是故空中 無色無受想行識 ぜ-こ-く-ちゅ- む-しき む-じゅ-そ-ぎょ-しき

Therefore, in emptiness, there is no form, no perception, thought, action, or consciousness.

無眼耳鼻舌身意、無色声香味触法む-げんに-び-ぜっしんに- む-しきしょ-こ-み-そくほ-

No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, or mind. No color, sound, smell, taste, touch, or phenomena.

無眼界乃至無意識界 む-げんかいないし-む-い-しきかい

No realm of sight, and so on up to no realm of consciousness.

無無明亦無無明尽 む-む-みょ- やくむ-む-みょ-じん 

No ignorance and also no end to ignorance,

乃至無老死亦無老死尽 ないし-む-ろ-し- やくむ-ろ-し-じん

and so on up to no old age and death and no end to old age and death.

無苦集滅道 む-く-しゅ-めつど-

No suffering, origination, cessation, path.

無智亦無得以無所得故 む-ち- やくむ-とく い-む-しょ-とっこ-

No wisdom and also no attainment, because there’s nothing to attain.


菩提薩埵依般若波羅蜜多故 ぼ-だいさった-え-はんにゃ-は-ら-みったっこ-

Bodhisattva (Enlightenment Seeker) relies on the Perfection of Wisdom, therefore

心無罣礙無罣礙故無有恐怖  しんむ-けいげ- む-けいげ-こ- む-う-く-ふ-

the mind has no obstacles. Having no obstacles, therefore there is no fear.

遠離一切顛倒夢想究竟涅槃 おんり-いっさいてんど-む-そ- く-きょ-ね-はん

Far apart from all perverted views, therefore they finally reach Nirvana (Enlightenment).

三世諸仏依般若波羅蜜多故 さんぜ-しょ-ぶつ え-はんにゃ-は-ら-みったこ-

All Buddhas of the three times, by relying on the Perfection of Wisdom

得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提  とくあ-のった-ら-さんみゃくさんぼ-だい

attain the Supreme and Perfect Enlightenment.


故知般若波羅蜜多 こ-ち-はんにゃ-は-ら-み-た

Therefore, know the Perfection of Wisdom.

是大神呪是大明呪 ぜ-だいじんしゅ- ぜ-だいみょうしゅ-

It is the great divine mantra, it is the great illuminating mantra,

是無上呪是無等等呪 ぜ-む-じょ-しゅ- ぜ-む-と-ど-しゅ-

it is the supreme mantra, it is the unequalled mantra.

能除一切苦真実不虚 の-じょ-いっさいく- しんじつふ-こ-

That can eliminate all suffering, it is true and not false.

故説般若波羅蜜多呪 こ-せつはんにゃ-は-ら-みったっしゅ-

Therefore, I proclaim the mantra of the Perfection of Wisdom.


即説呪曰 そくせつしゅ-わっ

I then proclaimed the mantra, saying:

羯諦羯諦波羅羯諦 ぎゃ-て-ぎゃ-て-は-ら-ぎゃ-て-

Gate Gate Pāragate

波羅僧羯諦菩提薩婆訶 はらそ-ぎゃ-て-ぼ-じ-そわか-

Pārasaṃgate Bodhi Svāhā

般若心経 はんにゃ-しんぎょ-

This concludes my Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom.”